While there are numerous high-quality CHW studies and several regional groups that conduct rigorous CHW research and evaluation, the CHW Center for Research and Evaluation is the only national effort to both produce and disseminate applied research and evaluation consistent with best and promising practices in the CHW field. In addition, the Center serves as a virtual meeting place for all parties interested in contributing to scientifically rigorous CHW research and evaluation that promotes the integrity and sustainability of the field.

The Center employs a “hub and spoke” model in which the Center is the hub and various universities and other organizations that conduct research and evaluation act as the spokes.
Researchers and evaluators aligned with the Center form partnerships with others aligned with the Center to apply for funding and conduct research and evaluation.
Proposals and studies coming out of the Center all adhere to common principles and seek to model best and promising practices in the CHW field.
Staff of the Center conduct CHW research and evaluation under contract to a variety of entities. For example, the Center acts as the co-evaluator for the Community Health Alignment Initiative (CHAI), a project of the Center for Community Health Alignment in South Carolina.